皋陶 发表于 2021-3-1 09:23:38

OpenJDK riscv-ports upstreaming 进展

本帖最后由 皋陶 于 2021-3-1 09:23 编辑



来自华为的BishengJDK-11(OpenJDK-11的下游开源项目)完成了 RV64G 的适配(含JIT)工作并在一周前BishengJDK王亚东向OpenJDK社区发了邮件,询问upstreaming的流程和要求。
PLCT实验室帮助完成了在 Hifive Unleashed 开发板的验证,获得了性能数据并公开同步到了RVI(RISC-V国际基金会)的社区。赛昉科技(StarFive)支持了PLCT实验室RISC-V开发板。RVI大使傅炜为PLCT提供了 RISC-V OS 的支持。

虽然是假期,但是也收到了回复。目前 Edward Nevill 回复内容包含了:

第一点:2018年的时候有一个建立 port project 的尝试,当时的发起人 Andrew Haley和支持者有 Palmer (现在在Google) 和 Andrew Haley(RedHat 的 Java Platform Lead Engineer)。有可能是希望能联系联系,毕竟前面已经有人提议但是没有填坑,看看是否能邀请一起填坑。

Hi,In order to progress this a riscv-port project will need to be created. There was an initial attempt to get a riscv-port project started in Feb. 2018 (seehttps://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/porters-dev/2018-February/thread.html).
The process for creation of a new OpenJDK project is described at http://openjdk.java.net/projects/#new-project
In accordance with the OpenJDK bylaws the initial discussion should be sent to the general discussion list, discuss.at.openjdk.dot.java.dot.net with the subject line "Call for Discussion: New Project: riscv-port".
However, it may be best to have an initial discussion here on porters-dev before submitting the formal Call for Discussion on discuss.
The project will need a project lead who must be a Contributor and must be sponsored by a Group Lead. Although technically any Group Lead could sponsor this project, in practice it should be the Group Lead of the porters project, Dalibor Topic (注:这是oracle负责 jdk-11 的principal product manager ).
All the best,Ed.


Hi,   We implemented a RV64G port of OpenJDK11u(TemplateInterpreter, C1 and C2) and open source to https://gitee.com/openeuler/bishengjdk-11/tree/risc-v/ . Would the community like to help us to create a project? And then we can promote it stable with the community. Yadong WangHuawei Technologies Co., Ltd

华为BishengJDK团队 王亚东PLCT实验室 吴伟 wuwei2016 iscas.ac.cn.

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